Day 2 had it's challenges! The morning went well. Went to work and got a lot of tasks accomplished. The afternoon went great! Grant and I spent some time together and we had a great time. Every time we have some quiet time just the two of us it just reminds me of why I love him so much. He is a great man and he does so much for our family. The evening, however, was the challenge for the day! I am getting the kids back on their school schedules since school starts Thursday. The girls went to bed with no problems or arguments. Jack was the challenge! He is so used to laying down with me and playing with my hair to fall asleep that when it was time to go to bed he was up at least 10 times, he was yelling and crying. So, I embraced the challenge and in the back of my head kept thinking "how can I look at this in a positive way and not lose it?". Don't get me wrong, I did get upset with him and I did a little bit of yelling on my own! I have learned that by yelling back at him and getting so upset at him for not listening was just going to make him not listen even more. I did ask Grant to take over at one point just so I could get myself together for round 2! I am trying not to give in like I would usually do and keep a positive attitude about the whole situation. It is hard but I know it has to happen to see results. Below I have listed the 3 most important positive things that I focused on for day 2.
1. Having quality one on one time with Grant is very important to our relationship no matter how much I miss the kids or feel guilty about not including them. It strengthens our relationship and I am just thankful that our kids can look at our relationship now and see the bond that we have and use that as sort of a guide in how relationships work.
2.It is ok to be stern with your children. If you keep your cool with them they will be better at listening and following through with what you ask them to do.
3. Structure builds character, teaches children to appreciate you (later in life), and they gain more respect for you as a parent. Children and adults need structure!
I think I'm getting the hang of this. I really thought I was going to lose it last night and forget about how I can look at the situation in a positive way but I did it. I found the positive! I guess that's all for day. I'll be bloggin' again tomorrow!